Following the money on 101 Ash Street and how the Faulconer administration let special interests fleece the public.

Share post via this link: permalink. Incredible investigative work by Dorian Hargrove and the NBC7 investigative team laid out how the Mayor’s office and other City of San Diego officials allowed a questionable land deal to go through that generated significant profits for politically connected and influential special interests while […]

The myth of workforce housing: How sprawl developers exaggerate project affordability to gain approval without offering any actual affordability.

Share post via this link: permalink. Why does it matter if developers exaggerate affordability? Because sprawl developers have convinced decision-makers that we should completely disregard the publicly developed, consensus-based road map to growth, based on a claim that their projects provide the much needed workforce housing that the county needs. […]

California’s Renters Are In Crisis.

Downtown San Diego, Photo courtesy of Tyrel Johnson Guest contributor, Ginger Hitzke, is a low-income housing developer who owns rental properties, yet still advocates for rent control and tenant protections. Despite polling that shows that Californians (including the 17 million renters) overwhelming support tenant protections, getting a bill passed has […]